Thursday, November 28, 2019

Peaceful flow through change into new Peak Potential Pro roles and goals

Image result for flow with changeI was listening to Wayne Dyer and he was talking about several principles for peace and success in life:

1. There are no justified resentments: Get to a place where there is nothing you can send to other people other than love, because that is what is inside you.

2. Don't die with the music in you: We all show up with a purpose. Listen and march. When Wayne speaks and writes about what he knows to be his truths, he knows he is on purpose. I know my music is playing.

- That is how I feel when I am talking to people about my desire to serve the elderly, or support other non-profits, or tieing in STT and STX in collaborating on common projects. Feel that Seal! I know my music is playing

Don't let the Devil steal your joy. Yes, I got that line from Mom, but so I won't throw the message out if the messenger tries to stop me from the joy of loving unconditionally (ie: Bobby)

3. Embrace the silence: Meditate. Get quiet. There is only one power in the Universe and it does not matter what you call it. Soul. Spirit. Consciousness. God. You can call it Louise. You can call it anything you want. But as Alan Watts said, "You can't get wet from the word water." It is not what we call something that gives it its substance. And this one force that flows through everything and allows it all to be is indivisible, it is one.  Everything else seems divisible. Male/Female. Young/Old. Up/Down. Tall/short. Good/Bad. Right/Wrong.

3. Embracing Silence...

There are more and I will dive into them as I set up my 2020 Vision Plan. For now, suffice it to say that change is upon me and I can embrace it because resistance is futile!

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Image result for cartoon blond girl with an awardThe expansion of SJCF staff and increased interaction with collaborative partners in the recovery period has stretched my leadership strengths and weakness. I am learning to become a leader by becoming myself! Thanks for the book Robert, what an amazing way to see power exchanges at work! And apparently it is working as I am in amazing company for the Chamber Community Service Award

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

FIrst 2019 meditation: Activate your light body for the new year

New Year - New version of you being brought to 2019

1/1/19 - FIrst meditation: Activate your light body for 2019;
  • Send love and loving energy build and wave out into your past year...touching all parts of the past year with love, all the experiences, the good, the challenges, everything. Let love wash over all of it. All the hurricane recovery projects, meetings, new hires, letting go of some people and projects and contrasts. All of the new connections with work people, family, friends. Some of the seemingly unfulfilled desires, wants, needs. Lay it all to rest and now see what may be ahead.
  • Standing at the point between 2018 and 2019. at the threshold - at the edge. Feel the sense of stepping into 2019, and leaving the old in 2018. Feel the middle ground between the two.
  • Now feel the version of you that needs to come through in this new year. You are still at the threshold, with 2018 behind you and 2019 spread out in front of you, and you are looking forward. Feel the energy of 2019. What do you feel? I feel excited, calm in a way that I know I can handle it. Isee pinks and purples and bits of red. Know that you will be bringing a new you into this new year. A new version of you, new ways of being in the world. New experiences
  • Breath and feel into your heartspace - put your hand(s) over your heart. Breathe the energy of 2019 into your heartspace. Feel, sense, visualize that energy fill your heartspace. THis feels wonderful and fulfilling, activating empowerment and connection as I step forward into this new year. You may have no idea what 2019 will bring you, but as the energy comes to you, and uplevels you - then your heart, gut, hands and feet will know exactly what to do.We often think we need to know what to do, to think our way through things, to figure things out - but that is not the case. 2019 is going to carry us in a different and intuitive flow.
  • Now do the same into your belly. Love up your belly for a second. Now breathe in the 2019 energy that is right out before you. Like allowing the breeze to flow out and around in front of you and into your belly, filing all the space. Allow it to enter and activate your inner blueprint, your light body. Allow your gut to receive this energy. I think of gut instincts being reset.
  • Now bring that energy through the palms hands and the soles of your feet and up into your arms and legs. Then into your mind. Thank your intellect, know it won’t be your primary guide, but it will be balances with your heart, your gut, your instinct, you primal animal body, your essence, your energy - the universe. Your head does not get to lead entirely this year.
  • Let the energy flow into the mind and head and know that you can let go a bit and trust. THere is a cooperative energy that wants all parts to work together and step into 2019...on path, on purpose. Aligned with joy, purpose, playfulness, nourishment
  • Feel gratitude for 2018 and say thanks to 2019 for showing up. Remember that you do not have to figure this all out. You don’t have to think your way through this. Know that all parts of you are aligned for the next right step. There is an intelligence working behind the scene to guide you into and through the next year. Trust. Be kind and aware as you move through knowing you will act in your highest and best interest of your purpose and potential and that of others.