Thursday, November 28, 2019

Peaceful flow through change into new Peak Potential Pro roles and goals

Image result for flow with changeI was listening to Wayne Dyer and he was talking about several principles for peace and success in life:

1. There are no justified resentments: Get to a place where there is nothing you can send to other people other than love, because that is what is inside you.

2. Don't die with the music in you: We all show up with a purpose. Listen and march. When Wayne speaks and writes about what he knows to be his truths, he knows he is on purpose. I know my music is playing.

- That is how I feel when I am talking to people about my desire to serve the elderly, or support other non-profits, or tieing in STT and STX in collaborating on common projects. Feel that Seal! I know my music is playing

Don't let the Devil steal your joy. Yes, I got that line from Mom, but so I won't throw the message out if the messenger tries to stop me from the joy of loving unconditionally (ie: Bobby)

3. Embrace the silence: Meditate. Get quiet. There is only one power in the Universe and it does not matter what you call it. Soul. Spirit. Consciousness. God. You can call it Louise. You can call it anything you want. But as Alan Watts said, "You can't get wet from the word water." It is not what we call something that gives it its substance. And this one force that flows through everything and allows it all to be is indivisible, it is one.  Everything else seems divisible. Male/Female. Young/Old. Up/Down. Tall/short. Good/Bad. Right/Wrong.

3. Embracing Silence...

There are more and I will dive into them as I set up my 2020 Vision Plan. For now, suffice it to say that change is upon me and I can embrace it because resistance is futile!