Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Weekly Commitment...Monday.Com

 Treat it like the commitment your desire is longing for. Just like with these blogs, you check in several times a year and BOOM...6 years have passed on this one blog alone. ALOT can happen in 6 years. You start and it evolves! All that stuff you were giving Sheena and Magualie for their Coaching biz... Put it on YOUR site and just have them refer to it there! Go on record as having it there. Thank the masters you got it from and be the master you have been guided to be. NOT in a cocky way, but you HAVE mastered some challenges which has set you up to face more and help others along the way if possible. Just like with the fitness is a gift from God, nurture it, and grow it into something that you and God are proud of. Service is the focus. Love, Serve and Remember.

SO take AT LEAST and hour and hit the Peak Potential Life site once a week. YOU are continuing to learn really good things you want to share with others...SO DI IT in a way that grows more valuable as time goes on and share what you are learning. Do that thing you wanted Geo to do.....Don't make them to do the research, you already have! Make it easier for them! You don't have to publish right away - doesn't have to be perfect. Just start building Content!