Friday, June 30, 2017

Event + Response = Outcome

Life and work are a constant flow of events. But success is not determined by the events you experience.
Success is determined by how you choose to respond. The best results are produced by those who take the most effective action.
With this in mind, here is a simple but powerful equation we will use throughout the R Factor Journey.

Events happen every day, you respond, and your response produces an outcome.
The R-Factor is a tool box that strengthens your ability to manage the R in the equation.
You don’t control the E; you don’t control the O;
you only control the R.
People who achieve better outcomes consistently choose better R’s. Successful people focus on maximizing The R-Factor

Press pause between the E and the R.
Before you respond, stop and think.

Don’t automatically reach for the familiar solution
or the easy answer.
When you fail to press pause, you often rush to poor decisions. Don’t let emotional impulse hi-jack your thinking. Take the time to be intentional about choosing an R that is most likely to produce the outcome you want.
Pressing Pause is a critical R Factor discipline. It will help you see situations with greater clarity, focus on the outcomes you want to achieve, and take more effective action.

E + R = O is how life works.
The challenge is to get good at it.

There are six skills that shape your R Factor. The skills are common sense, but they are not common practice. It is the application of these principles – not the circumstances you face – that enables you to respond effectively to the stuff of life. Make sure you manage the one thing you control.

1.Build a strong foundation
2.Develop self-awareness
3.Think strategically
4.Manage your emotions
5.Act with focus and discipline
6.Connect with others
...more on these in a minute :-)

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