Monday, May 25, 2020

Reinventing myself...Evolving!

Weeelllllll, In a nutshell...

I let my boyfriend go in October, broke up with several staff members in November, and got betrayed by several Board members in December...Lost my SJCF position in January and lost my job in February. Found renewed passion, income streams and my voice in March, April and May...And I look forward to closing out this 2nd quarter of 2020 with a clear plan of action of working smart and making time for healthy play - physically, mentally, socially, creatively and more.

Peak Potential.Pro is now PeakPotential.Life...again, a program I am looking a creating that them can create passive income for me. Scaling up and adding links to all sorts of people and blogs...AND seeing how I can gain commissions on sending people to people. Being the KNOWLEDGE BROKER! I will most certainly be doing a new Life Wheel and am excited! Stay tuned!

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